Research, education, social and cultural actions are part of the reason for the existence of thePremier Institute.
Research and Education
Holiday Course in Palliative Care
Every year, in January and July, Hospital Premier opens its doors to its vacation course, which offers an observational experience in interprofessional practice in Palliative Care for undergraduate students from all over the country.
Post Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care
The postgraduate course Palliative Care in a Comprehensive Health Care Model began in 2013 and formed the first group in December 2015. Aimed at Premier's multidisciplinary team, the disciplines included concepts of Palliative Care, aging, legislation, control of symptoms, assistance to the family, terminal illness and mourning.
Brazilian Meeting of Palliative Care Services
The proposal to understand the nature of the different services and promote the exchange of experiences between the teams working in Palliative Care in the country was born in 2012, in an initiative by Hospital Premier and partners such as the Faculdade de Medicina de Itajubá, the Instituto Paliar and the National Academy of Palliative Care.
Learn more at the event hotsite: www.premierhospital.com.br/encontro
house silver
Created in 2008, the publication Prata da Casa: Writings from the Daily Life of a Team that Cares has as one of its main purposes to share knowledge and practices acquired from the experiences of the multidisciplinary team at Hospital Premier. More than 150 articles were published in the seven editions of the magazine, which had the collaboration of more than 100 authors.
Living Music: Formation of Musicians Working in Health Institutions
With the aim of preparing professional and amateur musicians to work in hospitals and long-stay institutions, Hospital Premier held, under the coordination of musician and university professor Ivan Vilela, four editions of the course Musicians Performing in Hospitals and Long-Stay Institutions. Since 2019, under the coordination of musician and anthropologist Emiliano Castro, the course has been renamed Viver a Música and consists of thematic lectures, experiences, classes in vocal technique, improvisation, training repertoires, rhythm and approaching patients. Learn more on the course hotsite
Elderly Cycle in Brazil
In 2011, in a partnership between Hospital Premier, OBORÉ and the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA-USP), the cycle of debates Elders in Brazil: State of the Art and Challenges was held, with the aim of to foster discussions about aging. Ten thematic meetings covered everything from the guidelines of the National Health Policy for the Elderly to work, income, social security and social assistance, leisure, issues related to bioethics and the promotion of active aging, among other topics.
Municipal Congress on Active Aging
An initiative by councilor Gilberto Natalini, supported by Hospital Premier, the Municipal Congress on Active Aging, now in its fourth edition, is a time for discussion on the main points of impact when it comes to aging. Supported by the main entities and civil society organizations linked to the subject, the Congress aims to promote reflection on aging and the current situation of the elderly population.
Cultural Actions
Averroes Film and Reflection Session
Monthly activity developed at Cinemateca Brasileira, in São Paulo, with the aim of using cinematographic language as a mechanism for reflection, teaching-learning, diffusion, exchange and expansion of knowledge related to life, terminality, aging and challenges of Palliative Care. Between 2008 and 2013, 40 cinema sessions were held, bringing together around 4,600 people, as part of the Cinemateca's permanent program.
Cinema and Reflection Cycle
Promoted since 2008 at the Cinemateca Brasileira, the Cycle of Cinema and Reflection Learning to Live, Learning to Die has as its main objective to reflect, examine and debate the human condition, life and terminality. The Cycle was born with the proposal to promote an annual meeting consisting of film screenings and reflection tables, technical-scientific activities and musical shows.
Averroes Prize
Conceived by Hospital Premier, OBORÉ Projetos Especiais and by the writer and social activist José Luiz Del Roio, the Averroes Award is intended to recognize personalities who have been pioneers and sharers of their knowledge in various areas of knowledge throughout their lives. The name of the award refers to the philosopher, jurist and physician Averroes, who lived in the region of Al-Andaluz between 1126 and 1198 and became known for promoting the work of great Greek philosophers, including Aristotle. His thinking is marked by ethical living, tolerance of other cultures and reason as a scientific method.
Soraya Gardens
The Soraya Gardens – a name that refers to the matriarch of the Salman family – are a space for conviviality and solidarity and were designed to host artistic presentations, get-togethers, events, lectures and conferences. It is also a therapeutic space for patients, family members, friends, employees and residents of the neighborhood, with its use for the most diverse purposes. The Moorish architecture mixed with the São Paulo school of modernism inspired the project. Among the references for the design of the space are the Alhambra, in Spain, as well as the Sesc Pompéia in São Paulo and the Sheikh Zayed mosque in Abu Dhabi. The architectural design is by Laila Salman and Filipe Barreto, and the landscaping is by Gleice Caputo and Fatima Salman.
Social actions
Elderly Friendly Neighborhood
Started in 2009, the Bairro Amigo do Idoso project is the result of a partnership with Unifesp and the City of São Paulo. Based on the worldwide project Cidade Amiga do Idoso, of the World Health Organization, its objective is to bring the community closer to issues related to old age. It consists of a series of activities aimed at socializing between residents of Vila Cordeiro, where Premier Hospital is located, and those who are hospitalized at the institution.
Older People's Life Narratives
The Narrativas de Vida de Idosos project is an initiative that promotes interaction between students at EMEF José Dias da Silveira, located a few blocks from the hospital, and Premier patients. The work consists of conducting interviews conducted by the students themselves with the patients, in order to know the biography of each one. In 2016, Premier launched a booklet that gathered mini biographies written by students.
Eclea Bosi Award
The Ecléa Bosi Award – Enlace de Gerações had its first edition in 2018, with the objective of bringing children and adolescents closer to issues related to aging, as well as disseminating the production and thoughts of the social psychologist Ecléa Bosi. The award invited young people aged 12 to 18 to produce videos on two topics: mobility in the city and life stories of the elderly, in order to promote the exchange of experiences between generations, reflection and dissemination of the demands of the elderly in society.
Playful Hour
Aimed at Premier Hospital employees since 2017, the activity aims to integrate the team and nurture positive ways of seeing the other. In addition, it is a tool to combat Professional Exhaustion Syndrome, known as Burnout. Conducted by musician and anthropologist Emiliano Castro, the interventions are based on the O Passo method, created in 1996 by musician and educator Lucas Ciavatta, which understands the musical process “as a phenomenon inseparable from the body, imagination, group and culture” . Learn more about method The step.