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QELCA© Program


QELCA© Program Facilitator Training 2023

| From the 26th to the 29th of June

Training aimed at professionals from public and private institutions




Innovation in education
for end-of-life care

In recent decades, the population has been living longer and with complex comorbidities, which results in significant challenges for many health systems around the world.

Focusing on educating and training the workforce that provides most end-of-life care is a key strategy for ensuring that the dying process is attended by professionals with skill and compassion.

In free translation, QELCA © (Quality End of Life Care for All) means Quality End of Life Care for All. Developed by the British health institution St Christopher's Hospice – the world's birthplace of Palliative Care –, the program seeks to empower teams of professionals from any area or clinical discipline to lead the provision of high quality care to patients at the end of life and their families.

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The QELCA© Program
Facilitator Training


Initially developed in partnership with the King's Fund, the QELCA© program has been implemented across the UK in collaboration with Hospice UK and the NHS. It is currently implemented in countries such as Canada, China, Australia, South Korea, Argentina and Brazil.

QELCA© is an intellectual property program of St Christopher's Hospice. Any institution wishing to offer the program needs to be registered as a QELCA© Facilitator. In Brazil, training is offered by Instituto Premier, based on the QELCA© Training of the Facilitator program.

The program is designed to be taught by experienced Palliative Care professionals who have valuable skills in managing the symptoms (physical, psychosocial and spiritual) experienced at the end of life. The same person-centered approach is used to support and enable participants to improve end-of-life care where they work.


Click here  and access the course promotional material.

certification process

If your institution wishes to become a Certified Center to offer the QELCA© Program inside and outside your institution, access the QELCA© Certified Flowchart.

The process begins with identifying at least two team members to participate in the QELCA© Facilitator Training Program.

In partnership with St Christopher's CARE, the Premier Institute is responsible for providing educational resources and support during the implementation phase of the programme. Learning is assessed through evidence of application of the program in accordance with the indicated theories and methodologies and the submission of final tasks.

What will I learn?

• Justifications and contexts for the development of the QELCA© Program
• The theory behind the QELCA© approach to end-of-life care education
• The role of the QELCA© Facilitator and strategies to overcome obstacles to effective program delivery
• The main elements of the QELCA© Program, how to use them and which resources to use

Who can participate?

Professionals with experience in

Palliative care of the following


• Medicine
• Nursing
• Psychology
• Social assistance
• Education
• Physiotherapy
• Occupational therapy
• Nutrition
• Speech Therapy


• Minimum of 3 years of experience in Palliative Care
• Support from the employing institution to offer the QELCA© Program
• Availability to participate in the four days of training
• Possibility to complete Program activities, tasks and assessments
• Availability to structure and offer the QELCA© Program for 7 to 10 months after the initial training

Successful completion of this program results in obtaining a combined St Christopher's CARE / Premier Institute certificate and registration as St Christopher's QELCA© Facilitators.

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Amirah Adnan Salman

A physician specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, she is an educational consultant and research assistant at Instituto Premier. Graduate and teaching assistant in clinical research at the Harvard THChan School of Public Health. Fellowship at the Interdisciplinary Pain Management Clinic – Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town. She is a Master's student in Public Health – Analysis of Health Systems and Policies at the University of Cape Town.

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Angelica Massako Yamaguchi

A geriatrician with expertise in Palliative Care, she holds a PhD in Sciences from FMUSP and clinical supervisor at Hospital Premier. Former assistant at NADI – ICHC – FMUSP, is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Brazilian Interdisciplinary Congress of Home Care and collaborator of the Ministry of Health – Cadernos de Assistência Domiciliar.


Liz Bryan

Professor at King's College London. She has qualifications in Nursing, Psychotherapy and Education. She was Director of Education at St Christopher's Hospice and leader of the Advanced Practice team.

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Manuela Salman

Teaching coordinator at Instituto Premier. A doctor specializing in psychiatry, she is a clinical manager at Hospital Premier, where she has worked for 10 years. Postgraduate in Palliative Care in a Comprehensive Health Care Model by the Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá / Hospital Premier and in Palliative Medicine by the Centro Universitário São Camilo / Instituto Paliar.

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Angelica Massako Yamaguchi

A geriatrician with expertise in Palliative Care, she holds a PhD in Sciences from FMUSP and clinical supervisor at Hospital Premier. Former assistant at NADI – ICHC – FMUSP, is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Brazilian Interdisciplinary Congress of Home Care and collaborator of the Ministry of Health – Cadernos de Assistência Domiciliar.

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  • June 26th to 29th, 2023: online training immersion from 9am to 1pm (Brasília time)

  • Offer of a QELCA© Program at your home institution with constant monitoring (5-day program plus a monthly Action Learning session for 6 months) – dates to be defined by the enrolled institution  

  • Delivery of the learning assessment: reflective essay and evidence portfolio – date to be defined by the course facilitators in dialogue with the enrolled institution




  • 6x BRL 1,660 per facilitator – in cash, 10% discount – requiring the participation of at least two members from each organization

  • The program offers special conditions for public institutions


Reserve your spot now > Information:

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